Where is Surrozen’s corporate headquarters?
Surrozen, Inc. (Surrozen) is headquartered in South San Francisco, CA.
Where is Surrozen incorporated?
Surrozen is incorporated in Delaware.
What is the CUSIP number for Surrozen’s common stock?
The CUSIP number for SRZN common stock is 86889P208.
What is the CUSIP number for the Nasdaq listed Surrozen warrants?
The CUSIP number for SRZNW (Warrants A) is 86889P 117
On which exchange is Surrozen listed? What is the ticker symbol for Surrozen common stock? What are the ticker symbols for the warrants?
Surrozen (common stock) is traded on the NASDAQ Global Stock Market under the ticker symbol “SRZN”
Warrants A are traded under the ticker symbol “SRZNW”
Warrants A are traded under the ticker symbol “SRZNW”
When did Surrozen go public?
Surrozen became public on August 12, 2021.
Who is Surrozen’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
1 State Street – 30th Floor
New York, New York 10004
(917) 262-2378
1 State Street – 30th Floor
New York, New York 10004
(917) 262-2378
When does Surrozen’s Fiscal Year End?
Surrozen’s fiscal year ends December 31st.
Who is Surrozen’s Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm?
Ernst & Young is Surrozen’s independent registered public accounting firm.
Who do I contact for further inquiries?
Inquiries can be sent to investorinfo@surrozen.com